Tuesday, August 13, 2013

What's the name of my blog??

Yes, you read the name of my blog correctly. To clear it up for you, it's simply a mash-up of my my cat's names :)  No clever meaning behind it, just love my cat's.
Well my Blog feels a little dumb because I'm basically typing to myself. I like my privacy on the web because you never know when the asshole stalker from 20 years ago will pop-up and still be a crazy f*cker. Me? I'd rather not find out.
So, I'm on numerous social sites because, well, that's what you have to do nowadays to shop at certain stores, contact some companies, or just so you can get extra information about products and services that can't be found ANYWHERE in the world, you must 'like' a companies website.
And it snowballs from there...Facebook, Twiter, G+, Blogger, etc, etc, etc. All while trying to stay under the radar. LOL! Yeah, not gonna happen ANYWAY since everything I do is online so why not join the Social Media world and the people you didn't want to know in college can remain people you still don't want to know-they just don't know it anymore.
Enough for today, I have 6 hours of work to complete in 2 hours. It's been really great talking to you today! Let's do it again soon!!!

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